5 Tips to Living a More Fulfilling Life & More Positive Motherhood

I firmly believe these are applicable to everyone, whether you’re a mother or not. I would also argue that if you set up these principles in your life before you have kids, you’ll be much smoother sailing once the time comes for you to have kids.

  1. Let go of friendships that no longer serve you (or them). Holding on to friendships like this holds up a negative space in your mind, soul, and nervous system. Letting go can create space for more fulfilling connections, which is vitally important once you have kids.

  2. Don’t attend events or gatherings you don’t actually want to go to out of “politeness.” Choosing not to attend events you don’t want to go to is an act of self-care. Time is one of your most valuable resources. Use it in things that are fulfilling to you.

  3. Don’t avoid confrontation when necessary. Being uncomfortable with confrontation often means you’re holding on to negative feelings. There are a number of reasons why I don’t shy away from confrontation. I find it extremely important to get good at communicating your needs, boundaries, and expectations clearly. Without addressing issues head-on, resentment can build and your body/mind will hold onto negative, unresolved thoughts and feelings.

  4. Never second guess yourself because of what others may think, and never lessen yourself to make others feel better. You will never please everyone, trust your own judgement. And NEVER lessen yourself or pretend to be less than you are just to make someone else feel more worthy. That isn’t your job.

  5. Remember that your life is where it is because you designed yourself here. If you want a different life, redesign it. This one is pretty self-explanatory, you hold the reigns in your life. If you want to change something, there’s nothing/nobody stopping you.


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